Recreation and Sports

Policies and Staff


  • 大厦地址:西街3205号. Carmen Ave., Chicago, IL 60625
  • 主电话:(773)244-5700
  • 举重室:(773)244-5264

Online Helwig Release

所有学生,教师和工作人员必须每年在线签署一次海威格释放表. 在签署在线发布表格之前,将不允许进入海威格. 签署电子弃权及豁免书:

Sign Form

17岁及以下的学生必须由家长或监护人签署 release 表单,而不是使用在线发布. 此表格必须递交至:

North Park University
3225 W. Foster Ave., Box 56
Chicago, IL 60625
Fax: (773) 244-5269

Helwig ID Policy

All students, faculty, 工作人员必须出示有效的北园证件才能使用海威格的设施. 违反这一政策可能会受到纪律处分. 这里有一些建议可以帮助你保持在正轨上:

  • Do not give your North Park ID to another person so they may access 海威格娱乐中心.
  • 不要使用假的北公园身份证进入赫尔威格娱乐中心.
  • 不要弯曲或破解您的北园ID,因为这会使它无效. 海威格娱乐中心不接受无效证件.
  • If your ID isn’t working properly it is your responsibility to have it fixed at Campus Safety.
  • Misuse of your North Park ID may result in loss of privileges at 海威格娱乐中心.

General Facility Rules

  1. 在进行体育活动之前,请先咨询医生. 北园大学不对发生的事故或伤害负责.
  2. 只有北园学生, faculty, 只有持有有效的北园身份证件的员工才能使用. Entry and exit of the facilities must always be made through the designated front entrance.
  3. 严禁使用烟草、酒精和/或毒品.
  4. Water in a closed plastic container is the only drink permitted in the fitness and recreation area.
  5. 健身休闲区禁止携带食物和口香糖.
  6. 禁止在更衣室使用手机.
  7. 任何时候都必须穿著合适的运动服. It is up to the discretion of the Helwig staff to determine appropriate attire for patrons. 建议穿保守的运动装. 不能穿牛仔裤、凉鞋或非运动鞋. Muddy or dirty shoes are not permitted; participants should change into clean shoes prior to entering facility.
  8. 亵渎或过分大声/暗示性语言是被禁止的.
  9. 北园大学不负责丢失或被盗的物品. 将所有个人物品妥善存放于所提供的储物柜中.
  10. 每次使用完器材后,请用健身房提供的湿巾擦拭干净.
  11. 考虑到他人的卫生,请不要在饮水机里吐痰.
  12. 受伤、事故或设备故障必须向员工报告. It is recommended that you carry proper identification with you at all times in the case of an emergency.
  13. Only signs/flyers approved by 海威格娱乐中心 may be posted in designated areas.
  14. Animals are not permitted except for the express purpose of aiding persons with disabilities.
  15. Use of bikes, strollers, rollerblades, and skateboards are prohibited inside the recreation center. 请在进入场地前脱掉溜冰鞋或冰刀. 将自行车锁在大学提供的自行车架上并固定好车刀, skateboards, etc, 在提供的储物柜/小隔间内.
  16. 鼓励使用个人耳机. You must get permission from the building supervisor to use bluetooth speakers or other loudspeakers while in the facility.
  17. 使用这个设施被认为是一种特权. Participants are asked to respect the rights of other participants and display good sportsmanship and manners. Those who do not follow established rules and regulations may be removed from the facility and have their privileges revoked.


顾客必须遵守所有海威格娱乐中心的规则和政策. Individuals failing to abide by rules and policies are subject at minimum to the below discipline policy. All infractions will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis and in some circumstances punishment for failing to follow 海威格娱乐中心 rules and policies may be more severe than what is listed below.

1st offense: 将给予口头警告,并附上违规的书面文件.

2nd offense: 第二次口头警告将被给予,并附有违规的书面文件. The patron must have a conference with the building supervisor to discuss his/her behavior. The patron will be asked to leave the building and will lose privileges to use 海威格娱乐中心 for the remainder of the day.

3rd offense: Privileges to use 海威格娱乐中心 will be lost for the remainder of the semester and behavior will be reported to appropriate campus authorities.


北园大学严禁非法制造, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance on campus or in conjunction with institution-sponsored events. Smoking is not permitted in 海威格娱乐中心 or within 15 feet of a building’s entry on campus by law. Possession or use of a controlled substance is permitted only when it occurs pursuant to a valid prescribed medical treatment program. North Park also prohibits the possession or use of alcohol on campus and during work time if the employee is not on campus. Employees cannot report to work when under the influence or having noticeable evidence of recent alcohol use. Additionally, smoking is not permitted inside or outside any North Park University athletic facility.

Patrons using 海威格娱乐中心 that are suspected to be under the influence of drugs or alcohol will be immediately asked to leave the facility for their personal safety and the safety of patrons using the facility. 此外,被怀疑受毒品影响的顾客, alcohol, or any controlled substance that fail to adhere to the alcohol and drug policy may lose privileges to use Helwig and will be reported to the appropriate campus authorities.


The 海威格娱乐中心 is for the use of North Park students, faculty, and staff. Additionally, spouses of Seminary students and resident directors who live in North Park Seminary housing can purchase a semester guest pass to use the facility. Patrons must present a current North Park University ID card to gain admittance; anyone who forgets their North Park ID will not be admitted into 海威格娱乐中心. Additional memberships will not be granted in order to honor the commitments made by North Park University and required by the City of Chicago as part of the zoning and site approval process. 会员资格不授予外部团体或个人.

Member Handbook


Please contact the 海威格娱乐中心 staff with any questions about the facility and policies.

Susan Zimmer
Ericka Adams
(ext. 5618)